100 Days of Code

  • 100 Days of Code

    Projects and Progress

    It has been much more difficult than I anticipated to keep up with the #100DaysOfCode challenge, learning and doing the Free Code Camp course, working, and then trying to find the time to write about it as well. It has been impossible in fact. I admit it. Just not enough hours in the day. My github log fell by the wayside some time ago, as frustrating algorithm problems took over my life. Thank goodness I have a code mentor who has guided and helped me along the way, as there have been a couple of times where I was tempted to give up. As frustrating as it has been at…

  • 100 Days of Code

    100 Days of Code

    I started the 100 Days of Code Challenge on 29th January 2018. The idea is to spend at least one hour a day learning to code. You can take on the challenge at any time and with any skills, so even if you are a seasoned developer you can join the challenge to learn something new. I was already working my way through Free Code Camp’s Front End Developer course and decided to take on the challenge to force myself to do some coding every day (other than work). At the same time I have to make myself accountable to the twitter followers of #100DaysOfCode by tweeting progress every day…