Giving something back
To introduce myself, I am formally known as Nicola, or Nicki to my friends. I have a Masters Degree in Interactive Media, and have been building WordPress websites as a freelance web designer (cannedSunlight) for about seven years. I am now broadening my horizons by getting deeper into coding. I am working my way through the Free Code Camp Front End Developer Course and have just completed the Local Weather App project. I have also taken some of the courses in Codecademy on PHP, Jquery, SASS, and ReactJS. I am hoping to keep a record of my learning on this blog and write some production analysis articles on the projects explaining what I have learned, any problems that occurred and how I solved them.
The idea of this blog is to create a place where I can keep all of the little snippets of code, fixes, patches, and plugins where they might also be of use to someone else. Working with WordPress means that I have fixed many of the little annoyances, plugin or theme problems, and solved other problems many times over and I never seem to get the time to write a record of them. I have intended to join in more on the wordpress.org forums to help others, but again there is always something else to distract me, something that needs fixing, or the dog to walk.
The fact that I have got this far and am actually writing the first blog post is somewhat of a miracle. I am sure this website has sat empty for at least two weeks.
If you are looking for help with WordPress then drop me a line to ask a question or see my WordPress help page on cannedSunlight. In the future I hope to have a WordPress help section on this blog so stay tuned! Meanwhile it’s time to get back to some learning and the next project.